Sahlahala Puttuga is a village in Sreekakulam that extends at the extreme end of Andhra Pradesh. With extensive poverty, lack of livelihood support, limited educational opportunities and dismal health conditions.
Sahlahala Puttuga is a village in Sreekakulam that extends at the extreme end of Andhra Pradesh. With extensive poverty, lack of livelihood support, limited educational opportunities and dismal health conditions.
Nirmaan with EWB (Engineers without Borders) celebrated an event on 1st May, on the Infrastructural Renovation of the Erramanzil School and handed over the school to the Head Mistress. In the event the well- established school alumina honored the EWB dignitaries and Mr. Mayur Patnala, CEO, Nirmaan.
Proud moment for Nirmaan! First time, working for farmers in Telangana! Gratitude to Collector Smt Divya Devarajan, IAS & Verity Corporate Leadership Sri Sumeet, MD, Smt Sirisha Dasari, COO & Muqueem, CSR Lead.